Hi all….I haven’t been here in a loooong time I know and if truth be told, social media is just not my thang. I know I’m supposed to be engaged to promote the business and stay in touch with our customer base but frankly it’s all so EXHAUSTING to even THINK about not to mention DO!!!

We had a stellar 2019 with plans to keep the momentum going in 2020. It started out as planned but as you might suspect, ‘all went to hell and a hand basket’ when the ‘C’ word invaded! Can you say ‘strange’???!! Events we had on the books for the next several months from March on had to be rescheduled for later in the year or just canceled. I’m all about perspective and believing that everything happens for a reason so I’ve shifted my creative energies to other avenues like gardening, learning guitar, and songwriting. How fascinating during this period to still keep discovering layers of who you are and allowing yourself to think way outside of the box! I’m wishing the same for you all…

In the mean time, please extend great love to my fellow friends who own restaurants and beverage brick & mortars by buying carry-out or delivery. Food and Beverage businesses have been CRUSHED during this pandemic and I send multiple daily prayers for those struggling to keep their doors open. Local is where it’s at and we want a community we can ALL be proud to live in once this nightmare is over. So, until then, please stay safe for your sake and others!

AuthorRobin Brown-Wood