Happy Fall !!! Well, sort of but not if one based it on the weather! It NEVER fails to happen that RIGHT when I put my Summer clothes away and bring out Fall/Winter that we get an extended forecast of ‘summer weather’. So I scramble to dress appropriately in layers because my days start at zero dark thirty and by noon I’m peeling them off!

What does this have to do with the Business Expo? Not a %$* thing so forgive me for digressing.

So!! Come see me at this year’s Business Expo at the Fairgrounds. I won’t have my own booth as in the past; I’ll be co-located w Home 2 Suites as their in-house Caterer showcasing their fabulous property and my fabulous food. They have a great meeting space for many types of groups and I am tasked to feed those groups when they book the space. Cedric Rudd is the Sales Manager extraordinaire and really keeps me hopping!! We make a STELLAR team along with their stellar STAFF providing the utmost in Customer Service all around! Show goes from 4pm-7:30pm; come schmooze and nosh. Hope to see y’all there!

AuthorRobin Brown-Wood